Isolation and Fun!

Isolation and Fun!

I know the title of my blog may sound a little bit contradictory.  How can ‘Isolation’ and ‘Fun’ go together you ask?  Well, let me help you with this one.  If you are stuck at home, either working or not working, it’s easy to get down and sad about being home so much with not…

Classes, Classes, Classes!!

Classes, Classes, Classes!!

Happy Thursday to everyone!  Are you looking for more ways to improve your sugar skills?  Do you want to learn more about making sugar flowers, working with fondant, buttercream or other types of sugar art techniques?  Well, look no more!  I have a list of wonderful places for you to go that will provide all…

The New Look of ISAC

The New Look of ISAC

My blog this week is going to focus on the “New and Improved” ISAC Studio and some upcoming events that are now on the ISAC calendar. As many of you heard, ISAC announced late last year that they were making some changes.  They decided to downsize the Retail shopping space and provide their products online…

Chef Nicholas Travels

UPDATED LINKS.  The links on the previous blog were not working correctly.  This blog has the correct ones in them.  Happy Thursday! As I mentioned before in my previous blogs, I want to do my best to keep you up to date on the travels and adventures of Chef Nicholas.  I’m sure most of you…

Where’s Chef?

Do you remember the game “Where’s Waldo?”.  I really loved that game and loved looking at the images to try to find that crazy Waldo character.  I was thinking about that game the other day when I was trying to figure out where Chef Nicholas was traveling to next?   Wouldn’t it be fun to play…

Making Things Better!

The team here at ISAC is always trying to make things better, easier and more efficient for our customers and friends.  There are many ways we can accomplish this.  We can do this the old-fashioned way and send out surveys by mail; or we can make phone calls to everyone.  But surveys by mail just…

Gingerbread 2018

Gingerbread 2018

It is that time of year again, folks. The National Gingerbread House Gingerbread Competition at the Omni Grove Park Inn was held last week, and that perennial staple, Head Judge Chef Nicholas Lodge was there presiding over all the pomp and circumstance. And this year television crews from both FoodNetwork and NBC were there filming…