
Rose Gold Cakes

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last couple years, it’s impossible to escape the allure of rose gold. This warm hue has become omnipresent in tech gadgets, makeup, clothing, jewelry, and even cakes. Rose gold even inspired the 2016 Pantone Color of the Year 2016- Rose Quartz! Makeup artists and fashion…

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This week I have a short and sweet blog post to share! I would wager that everyone who reads this blog knows that Chef Nicholas is the undisputed king of sugar flowers. So it should come as NO SURPRISE that Chef Nicholas has been named Cake Masters Magazine’s August Cake Icon! This is a huge…

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Cakeology- Cake Fest and Beyond!

Anyone out there read this blog from India? In Mumbai, maybe? Well, if you are reading this, get excited! Chef Nicholas will be heading to Cakeology this October! What is Cakeology you ask? According to the vent website, “Spread over 3 days, Cakeology 2018, is the first show of its kind – bringing every day…

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Ceri Griffiths in Studio B!

Were you at the ICES convention in Cincinnati last week? If you were there, you may have enjoyed seeing the incomparable Ceri Griffiths demonstrating at our ISAC vendor booth. In fact, he was demonstrating his new collaboration with Katy Sue Designs, the Continuous Quilting mold. Chef Nicholas Lodge was the exclusive vendor of this brand…

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August Classes!

We have a month packed full of classes this August! We have two classes with our very own Chef Nicholas Lodge (yay!), and two classes with Chef Joseph Cumm. I have written about Chef Joe’s classes, but we have had a change to one of the classes that I think you will all be very…

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Real or Fake: Follow up

Last week I wrote about the rampant problem of counterfeit products flooding the cake decorating market. I am excited to tell you that the post received very positive feedback across social media. Countless people shared the post on their personal pages, their business pages, in their cake decorating group pages. It was a really encouraging…

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Real or Fake?

    Lately there has been a bunch of buzz about knock-offs in the cake industry. A lot of buzz. You may be thinking to yourself, “Who cares if it is a knock-off? It’s the same product for a fraction of the price!” That’s not taking into account the entire picture though… Chef Nicholas Lodge,…

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Update on Chef Joe’s Tea Party Pastry Class

Three weeks ago, I announced that Chef Joseph Cumm would be returning to our very own Studio B to teach two days of his Tea Party Pastry class! Just two days ago, Chef Joseph sent me an email including all new, detailed, close up images of the desserts featured in his class! You guys… I…

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Become a Jedi Mast-… I mean CAKE Master!

Chef Nicholas Lodge is widely accepted as a master in this field of cake decorating. He has been in the industry for over 40 years and has been teaching for almost as many years. People from all of the world have taken classes with him; Chef Nicholas has taught in 26 different countries. Not to…

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Class Schedule Update!

Just this week Chef Nicholas added one of his most popular classes to his summer class schedule: 5-Day Ultimate Gumpaste Flower Class! YAY! This is a class that consistantlygets requested, fills up, and sells out. What makes this class so very popular you ask? Well, buckle up, because it’s a doozy! Students will arrive in…

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