French Pastry School!

French Pastry School!

It’s that time of year again. Those lucky students in Chicago who attend the French Pastry School’s L’Art du Gâteau get Chef Nicholas’ full attention for two weeks’ time. Chef Nicholas naturally teaches the Cake Decorating Techniques portion of the 16-week program. This is an intensive program. Imagine taking ALL of Chef Nicholas’ classes in…

New Year, New Classes

New Year, New Classes

December is halfway done, our big sales of the year are all finished, so here at ISAC we are already getting ready to welcome 2016! Just like I said last week, Chef Nicholas will not be slowing down. In January alone he is teaching three classes at ISAC, three mini classes in Florida, and by…

2016 Class Schedule!!!!!!!

2016 Class Schedule!!!!!!!

It’s Here! It’s Here! Guess what?! The 2016 Nicholas Lodge Class Schedule has been released!!! Hooray!! I have had lots and lots of you asking me when it would be released, so today is your lucky day. Shall we talk about what Chef Nicholas has in store for all of you?  Ok, before I get…

Fancy French Pastry School Tools

Fancy French Pastry School Tools

A while back I shared a post on Chef Nicholas teaching at the French Pastry School (FPS) in Chicago. If you are a fan of Chef Nicholas’ Facebook page, you’ll know that his students finished up their Wedding Cake projects on Tuesday, and they are all spectacular! These students get wonderful instruction from Chef Nicholas (as anyone…