

Thank you to ALL of our Craftsy students! Before Chef Nicholas became a Craftsy instructor, the only way to take a class with him was to travel to our location in Georgia for a class, at a cake decorating convention (like ICES or Cake Camp, or get lucky enough to live where he was a guest…

Winners of the Birthday Blog!

Winners of the Birthday Blog!

As promised here are the winners of the Birthday Blog prizes! Thank you to everyone who commented on last week’s blog! I do hope that all the winners listed below enjoy their prizes, whatever they may be! Craftsy Class Winners Ultimate Sugar Rose Class: Iisha Barnes “Would love to win your Ultimate Sugar Rose Class.”…

Happy Birthday Blog!

Happy Birthday Blog!

Today is an exciting day! Why, you ask? Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of the Nicholas Lodge Blog! Hooray!!! Writing this blog each week for all of you has been a lot of fun, and I have learned so much more about cake decorating and baking in the process! I have enjoyed researching…

With Friends like these…

With Friends like these…

Tremendously Talented Friends! Since this is, in fact, Chef Nicholas Lodge’s blog, I spend a lot of time talking about Chef Nicholas. Today I thought we would take a short break from that, and talk about some of Chef Nicholas’s friends: Marina Sousa, Lauren Kitchens, and Alan Dunn! Each of these cake-decorating extraordinaires are near…

Flavors of the World: Degustation

Flavors of the World: Degustation

In American Cake Decorating (ACD) magazine this coming year, Chef Nicholas will explore the flavors of Asia, Africa, Europe, India and the Middle East, the Americas, and everywhere in between! The proper use of these flavors, and how to integrate them into cakes and pastries, will be covered. You can look forward to recipes, hints, and tips and…

Sugar Flowers Out of the Box!

Sugar Flowers Out of the Box!

Chef Nicholas’ Craftsy Class is ALMOST HERE! There are only FOUR more days until Chef Nicholas’ newest Craftsy class launches! Hooray! I know everyone reading this is doing a serious happy dance right now! How do I know? Because I see and read all the facebook comments, blog comments, and emails begging for Chef Nicholas…