Now that the holidays are over, everyone is settling back into the groove of everyday life. Kids are going back to school, adults are going back to work,and life is back to normal. But… did you get everything you really wanted for Christmas? Or maybe you got some money as a gift that is just…

Happy Anniversary ISAC

Happy Anniversary ISAC

Monday marked Chef Nicholas Lodge’s International Sugar Art Collection’s 25th Anniversary. Chef Nicholas, Scott, and the rest of the ISAC family are incredibly proud of this achievement. Thank you to everyone who sent flowers, cards, texts, messages, and came to celebrate with us last weekend and Monday. The outpouring of support and well-wishes meant so…

Hello 2015!

Hello 2015!

The Year of the Cake: 2015 Well, hello there! I’ve really missed writing fun blogs for you all! I did short blogs the last two weeks since both Christmas and New Year’s Day fell on Thursday (my normal publishing day). I love all the readers, but hey- family comes first. With the holidays now behind us, I’m…