
Joe Cumm is coming back!

As you well know, last summer ISAC celebrated its 25th anniversary, and Chef Nicholas has been in the industry for 40 years. Along the way, lots of friends have been made. One of those friends is Chef Joseph Cumm. Chef Joe often visits ISAC to teach in Studio B. Over the last few years he…

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ICES in Wonderland!

It’s June which means summer has officially arrived. In the cake decorating world, summertime brings the annual ICES convention! YAY! The ICES convention is an important yearly tradition for the ISAC team; Chef Nicholas first came to the US in the 1980s to teach and demonstrate at an ICES convention. Chef Nicholas has been a…

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Royal… Royal Icing!

After two weeks of royal wedding blogs, it seems fitting that this week I get to introduce the third module of Renshaw Academy- Royal Icing! This is the third Renshaw Academy class being offered by Chef Nicholas Lodge this year. It is one of three modules needed to earn the Renshaw Academy Master Certification! This…

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Last week I delved into the two ingredients that would star in the wedding cake made in honor of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: lemon and elderflower. This week, I thought I was share some pictures of the simple, rustic wedding cake! The cake was a simple sponge cake, with elderflower and lemon syrup (the…

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Elderflower and Lemon

Have you heard there is a big wedding this weekend? Like a royally big wedding. Ha, you see what I did there?! All joking aside, Prince Harry (grandson of Queen Elizabeth II) is marrying Miss Meghan Markle (an American!). In Britain, fruitcake is the traditional choice for wedding cake flavors. In fact, When Prince William…

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Tooling Around

Cake, cookie, cupcake, and candy making is our business at ISAC (what, you guys didn’t know that? HA!!). You may have also noticed we sell a lot of tools to make all those sweet and delicious treats. To the uninitiated, a cake supply store selling floral tape is a bit confusing, but we all know…

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Staff Spotlight: Molly!

Hiya everyone! I thought I would do something special this week. I have been wanting to do staff spotlight blogs for a while, and I just never get a chance to fit them into the blog. Well, as I was prepping for the blog this week, I realized that my work BFF’s birthday was this…

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Renshaw Academy is BACK!

Hey, hey, hey! Last month, Chef Nicholas kicked off Renshaw Academy; amazing and intensive cake decorating certification courses designed by Chef Nicholas exclusively for Renshaw. There are three different modules: Sugar Flowers, Sugarpaste (rolled fondant), and Royal Icing. In March, the very first Renshaw Academy class on American soil took at ISAC. This first class…

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Have you met my friend, Isomalt?

Many of our readers know that Sidney Galpern, of Simi Cakes, is a frequent guest instructor at ISAC. Sidney is a superb all around pastry chef, but she is best known for her isomalt designs. Many of our students have taken classes with Sidney in Studio B, and we are so excited to be offering…

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So Ready for SoFlo!

I don’t know about you guys… but I am ready for some consistently warm weather! Normally, here in Atlanta, it is pretty hot my mid-April. I think in the last 7 days I have been turning my heat on, my heat off, my air conditioning on, my air conditioning off. I wear shorts one day,…

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